Are you a Young Expat?

Or an adult supporting a Young Expat?

Are you a school wishing to provide CPD opportunities for your staff?

A company recognising the importance of wellbeing for your employees and their families?

If so, this website is for you.

Moving overseas is an amazing adventure offering countless opportunities for young expats, sometimes referred to as Third Culture Kids (TCK's). Yet relocation can also pose challenges. Leaving behind your home, family, school, friends, and moving to an unfamiliar place can affect a person's wellbeing. This can be especially impacting when young people repatriate to attend boarding school or university.

In this increasingly mobile world, how do young expats settle when home is everywhere and nowhere? Whether in early teens or twenty-somethings, upping sticks and relocating to a new country can trigger anxiety, stress and an overwhelming sense of loss. Difficulties settling in, homesickness, adapting to new cultural norms, learning another language, rebuilding new support systems, and creating a sense of belonging can be challenging.

At Expat YP, I use my overseas experience as a Counsellor, Coach and Consultant to equip young expats and the adults who support them with the knowledge, tools and confidence to manage change.

What I Offer

Everyone has a story. An expat story unfolds across the globe.

Most expats have a full, colourful story to tell and having space to explore this is helpful to understand your current situation and what you want. Once young expats understand that it is their lived experience that has helped to shape them, rather than a deficit in themselves, they can start to move forward. I will:

Work to build a good working relationship with you and support your ability to find solutions.

Listen and try to understand your world and what you need.

Increase your self-awareness, self-direction and help you clarify your values and what’s important to you.

Help you identify and draw from the strengths an expat lifestyle has afforded you whilst learning to manage the challenges it can also present you with.

Support your overall wellbeing by encouraging a healthier change in your thought patterns, feelings and behaviours.

Help you to set and plan your next steps.

Looking forward to hearing your story!

Who I Work With

I work with young people and the adults who support them.

Perhaps you are a young expat or know a young expat:

Who has been experiencing significant challenges associated with high mobility.

For whom a recent move abroad has thrown you temporarily into turmoil.

Who wants to be proactive and ensure your next international move goes smoothly.

Who wishes to manage their move to attend Boarding School or University.

Who is repatriating home, one of the most difficult moves you can make.

Some commonly experienced challenges I work with

Young people are already undergoing many age-related changes and when these coincide with a significant change in their living environment and support systems, it can leave them feeling vulnerable. It takes time to understand how to function effectively in a new place. In the meantime, young people may experience several challenges including:

Identity Issues

Cultural settings play a major role in identity formation. A young person’s self-identity develops gradually through interaction with their environment. This is easier if you remain in one place however, Expat YP’s are the product of many places, cultures, and communities. Questions over ‘Who Am I? and Where is Home? And Where Do I Belong? can be a struggle. This lifestyle might set Young People apart from their own family, extended family and friendship groups. Making mistakes due to misunderstanding social rules and language barriers, appear to be a common occurrence.


Friendships are everything to a Young Person. With frequent mobility, there is always a steady stream of opportunities to meet new people however, one of the major challenges faced due to a mobile childhood involves the constant detachment from friends. The cycle of making and losing friendships is hard to manage. Some will hurry into friendships to ensure a sense of security; finding out later that their move was too hasty, others take a longer time to build friendship circles, which can lead to others viewing them as stand-offish. Some young people start to avoid close friendships either because they do not want to feel the pain of losing someone yet again or because it’s not worth investing in a close relationship as nothing and no one lasts for very long. They withdraw to the outer circles of friendship group, are often introverted and isolated. Transition may be a major factor in bullying which is something that we need to be aware of.

School / Academic Challenges

Frequent mobility can impact a Young Person’s schooling experience. Educational systems, teaching styles, grading systems and rules and routines vary greatly. Accumulation of educational gaps and learning challenges that go unnoticed/unaddressed can impact a child’s learning. Moving mid-year can mean that friendship groups and teams are already established, trips are full and drama productions cast. Coming from a different system may mean that young people have been involved in different activities which are unavailable in their new place. These are all things that foster a sense of belonging. Where there is an opportunity to rescript, there is also the loss of a previous history which takes time to re-establish. It is important that Expat YP’s explore their educational journey to help them to understand how this journey has impacted them otherwise it may leave them believing that underachievement and a poor school experience is due to a deficit in themselves as a person and student rather than difficulties arising from the educational journey itself.

Thoughts and Feelings and Behaviours

Expat YPs display a wide range of emotions including sadness, concern, fear, anger, frustration, and stress. Sometimes adolescents may feel upset for not being able to adapt as quickly as younger siblings, they see themselves as unpopular, unlikeable despite their previous history. Relocation can be a source of pressure for all. Younger adolescents (12-14) may become more dependent on their parents, for older adolescents it can manifest in a form of introversion, and difficulty to engage in everyday life. Sometimes there is an increase in aggressive behaviours at school or in the home. Most thoughts, feelings and behaviours are normal, and pass with time. Young people are not alone in experiencing them. Understanding the reasons for these feelings is paramount to ensure that situations do not escalate.

Delayed Adolescent Development

TCKs can appear more mature in adult circles but are often behind in their adolescent development. Moving countries means they are often ‘stuck’ with their parents until new friendships are established. Gaining independence by having a part time job, using public transport, learning to drive may be an issue. Young people growing up overseas do not have time to absorb the values and traditions specific to their home culture and test them within the safe confines of their family. Testing boundaries therefore must come later, and university is the perfect time and place to experiment, but without that all important parental supervision. Coaching sessions to prepare for university life as an Expat Student can be very helpful.

Rootlessness and Restlessness

Frequent mobility can make it difficult for young expats to settle and feel a sense of belonging. Constant issues with fitting in, feeling accepted can impact wellbeing. Some expats struggle without constant change which could explain the feelings of “Restlessness”. Constant mobility can spark an ‘inner migratory system’ which can make it harder for young people to make commitments in life, whether that is in their studies, career or relationships.

Transition Issues

For Expat YP’s, Transition NEVER STOPS. The expat world is a mixture of Leavers, Stayers and Newcomers. At certain times of the year, you say the inevitable hellos and goodbyes. It is undoubtably a painful part of the expat experience. Quite often an Expat YP, may choose not to invest any effort to integrate into their new community. There can be a tendency to idealise the past, former struggles become overlooked as they feel their previous country is the only place they will feel happy. This constant yearning to return can be difficult for the whole family. Understanding the different stages of transition and the range of emotions during adjustment, alongside a healthy dose of Time, is vital to ensuring Expat YP’s move well.


Repatriation is said to be just as, if not more difficult, than expatriating. When people go abroad, they expect they will have to undergo an adjustment. When they return ‘home’ they expect everything to be the same and it isn’t. Children are often told they are ‘going home’ even if they’ve only holidayed but never formally lived in their home country. They may be surprised to find that they do not know their home country as well as they think. Expat YPs are always regarded as a foreigner overseas, as such they are given some leeway when not quite understanding the ways of their host country. However, when they repatriate ‘home’ they are expected to assimilate perfectly into their community, to let go of their identity as a foreigner even if they feel more foreign in their passport country.

Moving Alone (Boarding School and University)

Moving alone, to boarding school or university, even in their ‘home country’ often means timely access to knowledgeable support systems including family, and the expat community are more challenging. When the family remains overseas, the opportunity to physically touch base from time to time, for exeat or a university recharge weekend at home is not possible. Extended family may be close by however, being overseas could mean that those relationships may not have had time to fully develop. Expat YPs fall somewhere between home and international students, and as such fitting in can take time. Working as a Counsellor, a significant number of my clients were young people who had ‘gone home’ to boarding school or university only to have left prematurely, often during their first year. Amongst other reasons, difficulties fitting in, gaining a sense of belonging, inability to make connections with home/international students, homesickness were familiar concerns. It is not unusual for a student to want to change course or even university, or for a Boarder to want to change school during the settling in process.

Expat Grief

An Expat YPs experience involves moving, moving, moving. It’s important to remember that even if they don’t move others do. The collection of losses and separations before the end of adolescence is often more than most people experience in a lifetime. Losses involve friends, family, support systems, country, school, status, possessions, familiar places, lifestyle. Often they do not have the opportunity to address the anger and sadness felt, which results in unresolved grief. There can be long-term effects of unresolved cycles of grief and loss which can often manifest as anxiety and depression. Awareness and validation of these loses may help Expat YPs.

Individual, Group and Family Sessions

Sessions are designed for you. Together, the aim is to understand any challenges you are facing, help manage any emotions, develop coping skills, facilitate any changes you wish to make so you can feel more in control of your life. To help with this, I offer a range of online appointments to reflect the needs of the expat communities around the world. I am skilled at working online as well as face-to-face. I offer Discovery Sessions, Single/One At A Time Sessions, in addition to Short and Longer Term appointments. I also offer group sessions for families designed to increase understanding of factors affecting young expats. One to One online sessions are available to young people aged 13 years -twentysomethings. For those in a younger age group, I can offer parent sessions focused on understanding and supporting their child and parent supervised child sessions where appropriate. Please read the FAQ section and my Privacy Policy for further details about online services for young people.

Discovery Sessions

Discovery Sessions

If you are considering using my services , and want to find out more, I would encourage you to arrange an initial 30 minute Discovery Call via video. It is important for us to understand as much as we can before working together. A Discovery Call would allow us to have a conversation about what you need and to establish if I am the right person to work with you and/or the young person you are supporting. There is a small charge for this meeting, however I believe it is money well spent if it allows you to make a crucial decision about your next steps. If, at the end of the session, it’s decided you need something different, it is hoped that you will learn enough during our Discovery Call to help you gain more clarity about what you need. As these sessions are designed from a personal consultancy basis rather than a therapeutic one, a signed working agreement is not needed. By booking an appointment, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy set out on this website.

Single/One-At-A-Time Sessions (OAAT)

Single/One-At-A-Time Sessions (OAAT)

Single/One-at-a-Time Sessions encourage you to bring to the table anything about your Expat Life that is currently important to you, without entering into a long-term working relationship. A Single Session may be all you need to confidently explore any challenges, changes, and choices you need to make or goals you would like to set. There is no weekly commitment or set number of sessions. Engaging in a Single Session does not have to mean that we can only meet once. Single sessions can be booked One-at-a-Time as and when needed. As these sessions are designed from a personal consultancy basis rather than a therapeutic one, a signed working agreement is not needed. By booking an appointment, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy set out on this website.

Short / Longer Term Sessions

Short/Longer Term Sessions

There are occasions when you realise that more time and support is needed to manage your expat life. Or perhaps you would like to be proactive as you approach an important milestone such as moving to a new country, to boarding school, university or starting out in the working world. Each expat life chapter can bring a flurry of conflicting emotions that range from excitement to overwhelm. To manage this, you may want to think about my short/longer term option. Below is my own model that I sometimes use to guide us. It allows us work along the counselling/coaching continuum to help young people understand their life experiences, take stock of where they are and gain clarity on what they want for their future selves. Short term work involves around six sessions, longer term is open ended. It is important that you book a Discovery Call first to discuss your needs and the processes involved if you are thinking of engaging in Short/Longer term sessions. This will provide us with an opportunity to create a working agreement that will help you gain the greatest benefit from our sessions together.

CPD and Information Sessions

CPD and Information Sessions

Throughout many years living and working within expat communities, I have learnt that the wellbeing of Expat YP’s is best supported when the adults around them have an in-depth understanding of both the challenges this lifestyle presents together with an awareness of how to develop the protective factors needed to manage it. It is vital that all adults who engage with young expats, including school personnel and parents, companies, employees and their families, and health professionals dedicate time to understanding the needs of this unique population. I offer a range of CPD, Presentations, Workshops and Information Sessions to facilitate this. As these sessions are designed from consultancy basis rather than a therapeutic one, signed working agreements are not needed. By booking and/or engaging in these sessions you agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy set out on this website.

Short- and Longer-Term Therapeutic Coaching

It is sometimes wise to glance backwards to move forward

One of the most important lessons we can learn is that as life continues to unfold, so do we. There is always an opportunity for us to change, to grow, to move forward. My Integrative Therapeutic Coaching model is designed specifically to navigate life’s continuous transitions in a healthier way.

The EMeRGE Model will provide a framework for you to:


Glance backwards to make sense of your story.


Understand how your expat life has shaped you, the challenges it has afforded you and how to use the gifts and talents you have accumulated along the way.


Leave behind barriers to success, and carry forward what continues to serve you.


Understand what is important for you now, and in moving forward.


Invest in yourself by putting into practice what you have learnt about yourself.

Consultancy Services: CPD, Presentations and Workshops for Expat-Conscious Schools and Universities

It is vital for everyone to increase their understanding of the issues affecting young expats so that knowledgeable support systems can be put in place to manage a range of challenges. For adults who provide support for young expats, whether you are a Pastoral Lead, Counsellor, Head/teacher, Head of Year/ Grade Manager, Housemaster/mistress, or providing wellbeing services for university students, I am pleased to offer high-quality research and experience based Professional Development focused on supporting the wellbeing of young expats at various stages of their journey. Sessions can be delivered online and where possible, in person. I also offer presentations and workshops for parents and young expats so please keep a watchful eye on my website to learn about upcoming sessions.

Contact Kathy using the contact form below for more information about individual training needs.

Coming Soon : Watch for upcoming online CPD, Presentations, Workshops and Parent Information Sessions here.

Previous CPD Opportunities, Presentations, Workshops and Parent Information Sessions
  • Understanding and supporting the Wellbeing of Children and Young People in International Schools.
  • Growing Up Expat: understanding and responding to the challenges faced by adolescents in international schools.
  • Understanding, Recognition, Connection and Belonging: The Four Cornerstones of Expat Wellbeing.
  • Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring Expat Children and Young People.
  • Supporting Expat Families in Transition: helping families move well(er).
  • Creating Transition Programmes that Support International School Communities.
  • Boarding Ready: guidance for families preparing for boarding school.
  • Hidden Students: understanding and supporting the needs of expat boarders.
  • An Expat YP’s Guide to Attending University: encouraging a positive transition to university.
  • Counselling Expat Students: understanding the needs and challenges of this unique population.
  • Successful Repatriation for Expat Families.
  • Making the most of your Expat Gap Year.
  • Supporting Early Career Teachers in International Schools.

Consultancy Services: CPD Opportunities, Presentations and Workshops for Expat-Conscious Companies

International assignments are key to global expansion, however the failure rate of expatriates posted to foreign shores remains high. Approximately four out of 10 expatriates will underperform, resign midway, or complete an overseas contract without further desire to accept a subsequent foreign post. On average, expatriates cost two to three times more than companies would invest in an equivalent position back home. Hiring expatriates is a lengthy process to get the right person in place however, companies often underestimate the needs of family members. A spouse or young person who is struggling to settle into their new environment can have a significant impact on an employee’s performance and willingness to complete an assignment. Providing ongoing support to families is vital to improving expatriate success. This can be achieved when companies increase their knowledge and commitment to expat wellbeing and provide opportunities for employees and their families to deepen their understanding, acquire tools and develop strategies to manage their expat experience. During my time overseas I have worked with companies to provide a range of opportunities designed to promote the wellbeing of employees and their families.

Contact Kathy using the contact form below for more information about individual training needs.

Coming Soon : Watch for upcoming online CPD, Presentations, Workshops and Family Information Sessions here.

Previous CPD Opportunities, Presentations and Workshops for Employers, Employees and their Families
  • Onboarding Support for your Expat Employees and their Families.
  • International Teachers on the Move: helping your staff arrive well, stay well and leave well.
  • Encouraging Healthier Transitions: helping expat families move well(er).
  • Moving On: strategies for helping children and young people manage change.
  • Navigating International Schools: helping your children thrive at school.
  • The Emptying Nest: building the support systems and coping strategies needed when young people leave to attend boarding school/university.
  • Preparing your Expat Adolescent for University
  • Boarding Ready: getting your expat child ready for boarding.
  • The Trailing Spouse: managing your expat family whilst making the most of your overseas experience.
  • Understanding, Recognition, Connection and Belonging: The Four Cornerstones of Expat Wellbeing.
  • Supporting Mental Health in your Expat Children and Adolescents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Expat YP?

My name is Kathy Swords and I trade as Expat YP, a service dedicated to the wellbeing of Young People who have spent time growing up overseas, and to the adults who support them. You may have heard the term Third Culture Kid (TCK). There are many labels out there that people choose to identify with, or not, however, what is important is that Young People have an opportunity of work with someone whose area of expertise is deeply embedded in the expat experience. Expat YP has been specifically designed with you all in mind.

What are your qualifications and experiences?

I am an accredited BACP counsellor and EMCC Accredited Coach at Senior Practitioner Level. Being dual skilled to a high-level means that I can work safely and effectively across the counselling/coaching continuum. I am also a fully qualified teacher which is helpful when engaging in presentations and workshops. Having worked in several international schools, I have extensive counselling and coaching experience working with expats worldwide. I have lived overseas for 30 years, bringing up my family within the expat communities we have called home for so long. This has helped me gain a deeper insight into the challenges the expat lifestyle can bring and how to mediate for these.

Do you offer online or face-to-face sessions?

The services I offer cover both online and, where possible, face to face sessions. Online sessions are conducted through POWER DIARY, which is a cloud-based private practice management system designed to meet the needs of healthcare practitioners wishing to offer flexible, accessible and efficient services. To protect all parties, Power Diary is ISO 27001, HIPAA and GDPR compliant. Please visit their website here to read their Privacy Policy.

What concerns do you work with?

The knowledge and skills I have acquired through years of training and hands-on experience as a Counsellor and a Coach are integrated into the way I work with you. The focus of my work for Expat YP is on increasing wellbeing through meeting the needs of the expatriate population as they navigate their highly mobile world. I do not currently work with significant mental health challenges that individuals sometimes experience although I do understand how increasing your knowledge of challenges an Expat life affords you may compliment other resources you may be currently using. If during our conversations we realise that you need a different response, I will try to signpost you to alternative sources to replace or compliment my work with you.

Do you work with all ages?

One-to-one online sessions are available to young people aged 13 years - twentysomethings. For those in a younger age group, I can offer parent sessions focused on understanding and supporting their child and parent supervised child sessions where appropriate. Please read my Privacy Policy here for further details about online services for young people.

When & where do sessions take place?

Online sessions take place via video call hosted by my personal Power Diary platform. Wherever you are in the world, it is easy to look at my availability to see if you can find a time that will suit us both. Workshops/Presentations can take place online but where possible, face to face is an option.

Will my sessions be confidential?

Individual sessions are confidential, however there are cases when I may need to share information including if:

a. there is something you would like me to share with someone else if you feel this will be helpful to you.

b. you were to pose a danger to yourself or others, in which case relevant parties would be notified.

There are additional reasons to consider. Please refer to Terms and Conditions and my Privacy Policy for further information.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions you will need will depend on your unique circumstances. Keep in mind that once you start your sessions with me, you may discover new avenues you might wish to explore that you had not previously considered. I offer a range of session options to manage any need for flexibility including: Discovery Sessions, Single/One At A Time Sessions, in addition to Short and Longer Term appointments. I also offer group sessions for families.

How much do sessions cost?

Current fees for services are set out below. Expat YP reserves the right to adjust session rates / timings.

  • Discovery Call - £30
  • Single/OAAT Session 60: mins - £60
  • Single/OAAT Session: 90 mins - £90
  • Short/Longer Term Session: 60 mins - £60
  • Short/Longer Term Session: 90 mins - £90
  • Online presentations/workshops: Individually priced
  • Professional Development – Please contact me for rates at:
How do I pay for sessions?

Payment is made through the POWER DIARY platform. Power Diary uses Stripe to manage transactions. Once you have chosen your session you will be able to pay directly online to secure your booking.

What do I do if I can’t make a session?

In booking an appointment with me, you have taken an important step. You have made an investment in yourself. Once paid for, sessions cannot be refunded. If you need to cancel your appointment, a minimum of 48 hours’ notice is needed to reschedule, though this is subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.

What if I have more questions?

I understand how important it is for you to ensure that what I offer is right for you or the young person you are supporting. If you have another question, please feel free to email me here or perhaps you can consider a Discovery Call as this is the best way of understanding the services I offer and more importantly, if I am right for you.

My location

From my base in Staffordshire, I work online with Expats in the UK and internationally.

Sessions take place via video call hosted by my personal Power Diary platform. Wherever you are in the world, it is easy to look at my availability to see if you can find a time that will suit us both.

Workshops/Presentations can take place online however, where possible, I welcome the opportunity to work face to face both in the UK and internationally.

About Kathy

Hello, I'm Kathy Swords, an accredited BACP counsellor and EMCC Accredited Coach at Senior Practitioner Level. I have extensive experience working both in the UK and international schools, firstly as a teacher and, for the last fifteen years, as a counsellor, coach and consultant. My area of expertise focuses on the challenges arising from the high mobility associated with growing up overseas. What is great about being a dual skilled counsellor and coach means that you get the best of both worlds. There are many overlaps between coaching and counselling, and being qualified in both areas means I’m able to work safely and effectively to meet each individual’s needs. My aim is to help young people understand how their expat life experiences have helped shape them, to consciously leave behind what limits them and carry forward what continues to serve them well. In working together, we shift away from the idea that challenges are harmful or insurmountable. Most challenges are manageable and offer an opportunity for young expats to develop coping skills to help them navigate and thrive in their present environment.

I also understand the value of working with adults who share a role in supporting young expats including parents, school/university leaders and staff, companies, health/wellbeing professionals and expat communities. Providing young people with support is important however, I believe that knowledgeable support leads to better outcomes. This means that adults also need access to opportunities to deepen their understanding so they can respond effectively to needs and challenges. In addition to providing individual sessions to adults seeking guidance, I provide a consultancy service that offers a range of high-quality, relevant, research driven, experience based CPD Opportunities, Presentations, Workshops and Parent Information Sessions. These take place online and where possible face to face, both in the UK and internationally. I also ensure that I take every opportunity to increase awareness by accepting invites to speak at conferences.

Read More

Consultancy and Conference Speaking:

  • Families in Global Transition Conference (Amsterdam),
  • International Psychological Conference (Dubai),
  • Student Wellbeing in International Schools Conference (Qatar),
  • BSME Pastoral Care Conference (Qatar)
  • MENA Inclusion and Wellbeing Conference (Dubai)
  • Shell Outpost Services
  • International Schools Group
  • Hamad Corporation

Contact Kathy

I hope my website has given you a flavour of the services I offer.

If you have any questions, please feel free to use the contact form or email me at:

The BOOK AN APPOINTMENT button will allow you to see my availability, book and pay for a short 30 minute Discovery Call or a Full Session. You will receive a confirmation of your booking and an encrypted video link.

I look forward to meeting you

*Before you book a session please read through this website's privacy policy and terms and conditions.

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Before You Book

Before you book a session, please read this website's privacy policy and terms and conditions

CPD and Information Sessions

Throughout many years living and working within expat communities, I have learnt that the wellbeing of Expat YP’s is best supported when the adults around them have an in-depth understanding of both the challenges this lifestyle presents together with an awareness of how to develop the protective factors needed to manage it. It is vital that all adults who engage with young expats, including parents, school personnel, and health professionals dedicate time to understanding the needs of this unique population. I offer a range of CPD, Presentations, Workshops and Parent Information Sessions to facilitate this.

Short/Longer Term Sessions

There are times when you know instinctively that more time is needed to manage your expat life. Or perhaps you would like to be proactive as you approach an important milestone such as moving to a new country, to boarding school, university or starting out in the working world. Each expat life chapter can bring a flurry of conflicting emotions that range from excitement to overwhelm. To manage this, you may want to think about my short/longer term option. Below is a model I sometimes use to help guide us. It is designed help young people understand their life experiences, take stock of where they are and gain clarity on what they want for their future selves. Short term work involves around six sessions, longer term is open ended. It is important that you book a Discovery Call first to discuss your needs and the processes involved if you are thinking of engaging in Short/Longer term sessions.

Discovery Call

Please take a moment to complete this form so that I can prepare for our Discovery Call:

Thank you and looking forward to meeting you.

Single/One-At-A-Time Sessions

Single/One-at-a-Time Sessions encourage you to bring to the table anything to do with your Life as an Expat without entering a long-term working relationship. A Single Session may be all you need to confidently explore any challenges, changes and choices you need to make. There is no weekly commitment or set number of sessions. Engaging in a Single Session does not have to mean that we can only meet once. Single sessions can be booked One-at-a-Time as and when needed.

Some of the areas I have worked with young people, parents, school staff, counsellors, coaches include:

  • Exploring The Four Critical Cornerstones of Expat Life: Understanding, Recognition, Connection and Belonging
  • Understanding the challenges and identifying the gifts and talents of growing up overseas.
  • Understanding and caring for the Expat Adolescent.
  • Anxiety and Low Mood in Expat youth
  • Supporting young people’s wellbeing in their next move: First time movers, moving internationally, repatriation, Leavers/Stayers/Arrivers.
  • Helping YP’s manage the continuous cycles of loss from & grief associated with high mobility.
  • Understanding transition and fostering healthy adjustment
  • Expat Students: encouraging a positive university experience by helping young people and parents manage transition to university.
  • Expat Boarders: guidance for young people and their parents who are preparing for or who are currently at boarding school.
  • School Investment (moving schools, settling in, friendships, school connectedness, academic achievement).

Discovery Sessions

It is important for us to understand as much as we can before working together. A Discovery Call would allow us to have a conversation about what you need and to establish if I am the right person to work with you and/or the young person you are supporting. There is a small charge for this meeting, however I believe it is money well spent if it allows you to make a crucial decision about your next steps. If, at the end of the session, it’s decided you need something different, it is hoped that you will learn enough during our Discover Call to help you gain more clarity about what you need.